Tag Archives vortex

WATCH: Focus Wheel Process Instructions – Improve Your Manifestations

WATCH: Focus Wheel Process Instructions – Improve Your Manifestations

7min read

The ‘Focus Wheel Process’ is based on the teachings of Abraham, a group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks. The process was developed to help individuals shift their current vibration, or point of attraction and align themselves into a better feeling place.In Ask & ...

WATCH: A Journey to Vibrational Alignment

WATCH: A Journey to Vibrational Alignment

6min read

A Journey of AllowingImagine a serene mental state where the relentless cacophony of your thoughts fades into a gentle hum. Within this tranquil mental landscape, your vibration naturally ascends.It's a profound shift, a significant step towards harmonizing with your true self, aligning with the frequency ...

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