Tag Archives source energy

‘Book of Positive Aspects’ & its Transformative Power

‘Book of Positive Aspects’ & its Transformative Power

9min read

In the world of personal development, there are countless techniques and processes designed to help individuals raise their emotional set point and align themselves with their desires.One such powerful  and effective process is the "Book of Positive Aspects" from the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. This process ...

WATCH: A Journey to Vibrational Alignment

WATCH: A Journey to Vibrational Alignment

6min read

A Journey of AllowingImagine a serene mental state where the relentless cacophony of your thoughts fades into a gentle hum. Within this tranquil mental landscape, your vibration naturally ascends.It's a profound shift, a significant step towards harmonizing with your true self, aligning with the frequency ...

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