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WATCH: Focus Wheel Process Instructions – Improve Your Manifestations

WATCH: Focus Wheel Process Instructions – Improve Your Manifestations

7min read

The ‘Focus Wheel Process’ is based on the teachings of Abraham, a group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks. The process was developed to help individuals shift their current vibration, or point of attraction and align themselves into a better feeling place.In Ask & ...

Discover the Path to ‘Living with Joy’ by Sanaya Roman

Discover the Path to ‘Living with Joy’ by Sanaya Roman

6min read

An Overview & SynopsisStep into the radiant world of 'Living with Joy' by Sanaya Roman, where the being of Light known as Orin guides you on an extraordinary journey towards boundless fulfillment and unbridled joy.This book transcends the realm of ordinary literature; it's a channeled ...

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