Tag Archives Abraham-Hicks

‘Book of Positive Aspects’ & its Transformative Power

‘Book of Positive Aspects’ & its Transformative Power

9min read

In the world of personal development, there are countless techniques and processes designed to help individuals raise their emotional set point and align themselves with their desires.One such powerful  and effective process is the "Book of Positive Aspects" from the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. This process ...

WATCH: Abraham’s 30 Day Process- Transform Your Life Now

WATCH: Abraham’s 30 Day Process- Transform Your Life Now

7min read

Life Changing 30 Day ProcessTake a life-changing journey with the 30 Day Process by Abraham-Hicks. These powerful processes offered in this video present a comprehensive roadmap to personal transformation, manifestation, and vibrational alignment.Over the course of this 30 day Process, you will embark on a ...

WATCH: Become a Joyous Deliberate Creator & Master Manifester

WATCH: Become a Joyous Deliberate Creator & Master Manifester

5min read

Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, shares profound insights in this video, illuminating the transformative influence of becoming a deliberate creator and the pivotal role our focus plays in shaping our reality.This enlightening discourse emphasizes that we are not mere observers of our reality; rather, we ...

WATCH: Focus Wheel Process Instructions – Improve Your Manifestations

WATCH: Focus Wheel Process Instructions – Improve Your Manifestations

7min read

The ‘Focus Wheel Process’ is based on the teachings of Abraham, a group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks. The process was developed to help individuals shift their current vibration, or point of attraction and align themselves into a better feeling place.In Ask & ...

Manifest Your Desires with ‘Ask & It Is Given’ by Jerry & Esther Hicks

Manifest Your Desires with ‘Ask & It Is Given’ by Jerry & Esther Hicks

8min read

In the realm of self-help and spiritual literature, few books have made as profound an impact as "Ask & It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This groundbreaking work provides readers with profound insights into the art of manifesting desires, harnessing the power of ...

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